STATUS Complete
DATE 2020
AREA 28.000 m2
PROGRAM Residences, Offices, Retail
INVESTOR Cebeci Group
3D RENDER Artı Eksi Sıfır Architecture
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The Pendik Cebeci Residence project is located on an elevated street with commercial potential 1 km away from Pendik Marina, a budding residential area. The project has 4 facets including commerce, housing, office, and social facilities. The commercial part was designed as a continuation of street life as it aimed to integrate public life with the private sphere. One of the ways to make this possible was to connect with the main street to the back street. The roof of the commercial basement was designed as an open sharing platform which can be used by the users of the 2 housing blocks located at the top. This platform includes social facilities for residential users, an indoor/outdoor transformable pool, and recreation area. The 2 housing blocks align with a view of the sea. Thus the positioning of the buildings were taken into consideration so as not to interfere with each other or any of the surrounding buildings. The area of commerce is situated closest to the street, with a mass composition separating it from the other blocks.

Areas of commerce with heavy circulation were situated on the public street allowing public access to various activities and venues. The targeted facilities for this part of the structure would ensure integration with the surrounding community. In contrast, the social platform on top of the commerce area is only open to private use, which can be used by guests for various activities and services. The platform leads into the garden where on the same plane sits a transformable open/closed swimming pool. In the lower level of this platform, a fitness area of ​​about 700 m2 directly connects to the pool and garden. The community oriented layout and architectural flow of the common spaces make living and socializing fun.
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